Studio Software FAQs

A row of colorful question marks hanging from a string.


  • Is Studio a 3D program software?

    No, Studio is 2D software. There are pros and cons with both formats. 2D software is easier to manipulate and has lots more detail.

  • Can I import a CAD drawing into Studio?

    No, CAD files cannot be imported into Studio; however, you can convert the CAD file to a JPEG and then import the JPEG into Studio.

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Studio (Error Msg)

  • I received an error message. The studio is not responding; it will close now! What did I do?

    Do not try to drag images back to the studio index. Sometimes when you click one thing and then quickly decide you didn't mean to do that, you may end up clicking something else when trying to quickly remedy it. That could cause Studio to freeze. To close Studio, click CTL, ALT + DEL keys and select close Studio.

  • I purchased a new computer and want to install Studio; I am receiving an error message.

    The office needs to clear your activations. Email, and we'll be glad to help you.

  • I purchased Studio, but when I try to open Studio, I am receiving an error message.

    It is probably your antivirus blocking our outbound signal to our activation database, which confirms you have a valid license for Studio. You will need to allow domain access for our following domains:,, and

Studio (Mac)

  • Can I install Studio on my Mac?

    Studio is PC-based software. Mac users have two options to use Studio. Studio Online, our monthly subscription, is compatible with any device. Parallels is the second option for Mac users. Parallels allows a Mac computer to install Windows software.

Studio (New Purchase)

  • Are future studio releases/updates included with my purchase?

    There are two types of releases/updates: a version release (new software features & functions) and a module release (additional images). There is a charge for major version updates; small version updates will be released at no charge. Module(s) releases always incur a charge.

  • When I purchase Studio, are all the modules included?

    No, all modules have an additional cost. If you purchase "The Design Solution," it includes all CURRENT modules.

  • Once I purchase, will I be able to have access to the files/renderings I created during my trial?

    Yes, once you purchase Studio, all of your files can be opened inside Studio.

Studio (Parallels)

  • Studio was working, but now I can't get it to open.

    Sometimes when Microsoft updates the Windows operating system inside Parallels, you might need to: Go to Preferences > (lower right corner looks like a gear) > click Options > click Sharing > uncheck the box Share Mac user folders with Windows.

Studio (Problem)

  • When I print my rendering, it is squished-looking. What is wrong?

    It could be one of two issues. First, click the raspberry logo, click Pape Setup, confirm that Landscape is selected, then PRESS OK, and try to print again. If that doesn't correct the issue, make sure your entire image is within the white workspace. You can zoom out to make sure you are able to see a small amount of white workspace.

  • Studio froze, and I had to shut down the program.

    First, if you haven't closed Studio, press CTRL + ALT + DEL at the same time to force Studio to close. Have you selected an image and then quickly decided that you didn't want that image and tried to drag it back to the index? Or maybe you changed your mind when you were using a feature/function and quickly decided to do something else. We find when people click too fast or try to retreat from something they didn't want to do, Studio crashes.

  • Studio closed, and I forgot to save.

    Go to your Documents folder > My Studio Designs > Auto Backup > look for the name of your file or today's date and time.

Studio (Trial)

  • Why can't I drag over all the images during my 30-day trial?

    Only space planning and the living room module are available during the trial.

  • Can I use all the features & functions in Studio during my trial?

    Yes, during your trial you will have access to all the features and functions as well as full print capabilities.

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