Studio Coaching

We offer two levels of coaching based on your expertise, Level I sessions, which are offered exclusively through Minutes Matter. You’ll receive live, via the Internet, hands-on time with our expert instructor and design specialist. Each session is specifically tailored to suit your needs in a natural progression so illustrating becomes second nature.

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Studio Coaching Level I


“Would you like to move your presentations from standard to stunning?” In only six weeks, we will show you how to move your company’s services out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary! In fact, your clients will love their renderings so much they’ll be compelled to share their excitement with their friends. This is the secret to getting great referrals!

Coaching: Private Tutor

$65 hr

If you’re a student of the Studio Coaching Program, you can request additional assistance with a Studio Coach.

Coaching Students

Minutes Matter offers a 12-month discounted tech support fee* for coaching students. During checkout, enter the promo code provided by your coach. The discount commences on the coaching start date.

*We know events occur that might prevent you from attending the consultation after it has been scheduled. Please provide us with three (3) hours’ notice if you need to reschedule. If notice is not received before the meeting time, you will be charged for one hour of the consultation.

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