Recently Owen and Casey decided to make a major change in their life. Before you guys get scared, Owen and Casey will still be a big part of Minutes Matter. In May, they attended a weekend event, Outback America, which compelled them to make changes in their live. Some of the changes have led them to sell their house and move to the inner city of Huntsville, AL to be apart of the Lincoln Village Ministry. Several years ago, a few people and the city of Huntsville decided to get involved and help rebuild this neighborhood. Owen and Casey feel God has called them to use their talents in new and unique ways. As you know, one of Casey’s gifts is art and another is her love for kids. Owen is gifted in technology and loves working with teens. For years, they have been heavily involved with the youth group at Twickenham Church of Christ and their house has always been a revolving door for the teens.
This type of ministry is not new. Do a search and you’ll probably be surprised to find there is one of these ministries near you. We have one in Nashville area called The Front Porch Ministry.
Since this is such a drastic change, most (if not all) of their furniture will need to be sold with their house. The house they are moving into is approximately a third of the size of their current home. They are planning to use some of their profit to purchase furniture that will be more multi-functional for their new smaller space. Here’s a glimpse of the Lincoln house, you can see they have some work that needs to be done.
This brings me to my reason for this blog:
Last week, as I was doing my morning reading, I happened to notice a contest sponsored by CB2 which happens to be one of Casey’s favorite stores. In fact, we purchased several items from CB2 for our new Minutes Matter booth at High Point Furniture Market: wall mounted magazine rack, lamp, and table. The $10,000 CB2 gift card is what attracted me to investigate the rules of this contest. I thought to myself, someone is going to win this contest, why not Owen and Casey and my two precious granddaughters! If they win, they would be able spend the money they would have spent on new furniture on other things in their new surroundings. Believe me, there’s a lot to do.
What I would like for you guys to do is vote for our booth at High Point. The entire $10,000 gift card will be used for furniture and storage in the new home. We would love to be one of the top 50 vote-getters to become a finalist. We have appropriately named the entry The Drastic Change, because we felt like this name was fitting for our new High Point space as well as their new life.
Please tell all of your friends and family to vote and help Owen, Casey, Maddie (9) and Morgan (5). The girls have big hearts and always want to help others but most of all want to please God. However, they are feeling a bit of apprehension in leaving their house and friends. Owen and Casey are very fortunate to have families that are extremely supportive. Both Jerry & I and John & Penny Kester (Casey’s parents), told them we’ll do whatever is needed to help them get the house ready. Owen’s brother & his wife (Lee & Leah Green) and Casey’s sister & her husband (Carrie & Ricky Jones) will also be helping a great deal.
We had a fantastic response to last night’s webinar. One attendee commented,
Thank you so much for the wonderful webinar. It answered many of my questions and helped me feel as though it’s possible to become much more comfortable and facile in my use of the computer.
If you would like to register for the second “seating” tomorrow at 1 PM, click on this link: should your plans change or you can’t make it on Thursday, register anyway and you’ll receive a video recording of the course along with the white paper and icons folder.
…that there will be a drawing at the end of the presentation for an amazing door prize?
Ask yourself these questions:
* Do you have to click more than once to visit a vendor’s website?
* Do you click Start to open a software program?
* Does your Desktop contain items older than three weeks?
* Do you believe you must file all jpegs in My Pictures/Pictures folder?
* Do you spend too much time locating a file?
* Are there times when you’re frustrated by the computer?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then this class is for you! We’ve made it easy to become computer savvy. Simply join this 90-minute course, to explore and learn the many features of your computer, from the Desktop to the Libraries, the mouse to the keyboard and customizing your Internet browser; you’re going to love that one! Special attention will be given to topics such as creating folders and organizing files – learn about file types, how to open, copy, find, delete, and rename them. Shortcuts or hot keys, mouse tricks and clicks, screen captures, quick launch toolbar, system tray and task manager, all the tools and functions you may not know exist – these are the areas you’ll master once you’ve attended this course. Don’t miss the chance to learn how to get your computer organized!
While Microsoft Vista and Windows 7 systems will be displayed, XP users can benefit from the instruction also.
* Every person who registers (even if you don’t attend live) will receive an email with a link to the recorded course which can be viewed anytime.
Click here to register for Tuesday, August 17 @ 8 PM EDT:
Click here to register for Thursday, August 19 @ 1 PM EDT:
On Friday August 6th, we were finally able to make our big announcement. Deb Barrett, with Window Fashions hosted the launch webinar for CONNEXION. CONNEXION is a collaboration software that allows designers, installers, fabricators and clients communicate by accessing one software.
Well, here it is ~ Studio is moving to the Clouds with CONNEXION and that is just the beginning. Studio will now be available online. What does that mean? You will be able to access Studio anywhere, anytime, any computer. Studio Online will be available as a monthly subscription. We will be announcing more details in the upcoming months. For those of you that already own Studio you will be able to subscribe at a discount.
You can enter/upload everything in regards to a client job to CONNEXION. Your sub-contractors can login and enter prices and notes on the services they are providing. You have total access control for all sub-contractors. Since you’re entering information into ONE database you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing that you are viewing the most up-to-date information regarding your client’s job.
Your subscription to CONNEXION includes two free logins.
Now you can use Studio on an iPad or any platform for that matter. Look how great a rendering looks on an iPad! I’m so excited, I just ordered my iPad. I can’t wait to be able to take it on client appointments. It’s powerful, small and lightweight; the only other thing we need is CONNEXION.
Enter measurements right on the iPad and those measurements will populate the client file in CONNEXION. Are you visualizing a work order filled with actual measurements? Wow, I think I am in love.
I have just discussed a couple of the features available in CONNEXION. Want to see it for yourself? Katy and Mike with CONNEXION are hosting a FREE webinar so you can see the power and possibilities on Friday August 20th at 3:00 PM EST. Click on one of the links below to register for the day that works with your schedule.
My article in the July/August issue of Drapery & Design Professional discusses one of my favorite topics Cloud Computing. At the first of this year, we made an announcement that Minutes Matter had moved to the Clouds. Once the ezine was published, I received numerous inquiries about Cloud Computing. In the issue of this magazine, I discuss the subject in much more detail.
Don’t stop reading now! If you’re wondering what in the world is Cloud Computing, read my entire article the advantages for businesses are amazing. We love living in the Clouds more and more everyday.
If you aren’t already subscribed to this magazine, I definitely recommend it. Drapery & Design Professional covers everything from technology to fabrication techniques. A subscription to the magazine and access to the CHF online forum Membership is only at $48 per year. Add their webinar package and your total would only be $95 per year.
See you in the Clouds!
I was so excited this morning when I received an email from one of my clients. “I can’t wait to get my statement this month for my checking account. I can’t wait to reconcile!” Made me laugh and feel proud all at once. I was proud of her for learning a new skill and proud that I could be a part of leading her there.
The key to reconciling any statement in less than 3 minutes in QuickBooks is too QuickBooks set up properly at the beginning and entering transactions as you go. When the statement arrives you don’t dread it, you can actually get excited about how easy it will be!
I love to put the time I start in the upper left hand corner of the statement and the finish time in the upper right. I always try to beat my time from the month before. I know, its silly, but it makes a dull task more fun.
Let me know if I can help you streamline your accounting tasks with some QuickBooks training time.
We wanted our Studio users to be the first to know that we have just released an important update for all Studio 3.0 users. EVERYONE needs to install this new update as soon as possible; the update addresses a couple of issues (you know those cute little bugs that can make software do funny things.) We are happy to report that all of those little bugs have been contained and Studio is running better than ever! See the list below:
Didn’t receive a notification that a Studio update was available? When you open Studio you should see a pop-up alerting you that there is an update available. If you didn’t receive this notification, click on the link below to install the update.
Mac users with Parallels or VMFusion: If you didn’t receive an update notification or only use the internet on the Mac side of your computer, you can use the alternate download link above to download a setup file to your Mac side. Once the setup file has downloaded then copy the setup file to your Windows side and double click on the blue Setup icon to begin the installation on the Windows side.
Confirm that you have the new build date of 07/04/2010. To confirm build date > Open Studio > click on Options (upper right corner next to the ?) > click About MMStudio > (Build 7/4/2010) is displayed at the top. Any modules you have purchased will be displayed below the build date.
If for some reason your build date is NOT 7/4/2010, you will need to uninstall your current version of Studio and then click on the download link in this email (above) to install the new version. To uninstall Studio > click Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs > scroll down to locate Minutes Matter Studio > highlight and click Remove.
6. Taming Your Inner Demons – many of our members had some AHA moments during one session we did on Planning for Profit. It is critical that you find out if it is you that is stopping you from being successful. If you are insecure around affluent people, or you are a people-pleaser, it is important to ask yourself if your insecurity is causing you to miss your goals. If so, this is one of the biggest leverage points you need to work on. I have learned over the years that if something is making me nervous or I am procrastinating about something, either it isn’t a strength, I am fighting something internal, or it is an opportunity to grow and become more skilled. You should always feel a little stress right before you learn something new. Sometimes it helps to think about the benefit of doing the thing you are avoiding, and doing it in spite of the feelings of discomfort. If you aren’t feeling discomfort or fear, you’re probably not pushing yourself enough.
7. Business Dashboard & Drivers – you need a Business Dashboard with 5 – 7 key metrics or measures for your business. How many clients do you need? What is the lifetime value of your client and how do you increase it? What other measures are important in your business? Profit?
Marketing and sales are the key drivers of your business. Period. If you don’t like marketing and sales, you really need to ask yourself if you really want to run your own business. If you are an established business, about 1 – 2 hours of each day should be devoted to marketing without fail even when you’re busy. If you are new to business, or the economy has impacted your revenue, spend as many hours as you can on the highest leverage activities for marketing. What are they?
8. Measure Your Progress – once you create your dashboard, it is important to measure your progress. Review your dashboard daily. Create one for your personal life, too.
9. Awareness and Improvement – being aware of yourself and your emotions is vital. Your emotions drive your activities. If you aren’t clear on what is working and what isn’t, it is time to ask yourself more questions. Is this activity a driver? Is it something I can improve? Do I
want to improve? If I don’t do this, what will happen? It’s up to you to find the core motivation to get over your own hurdles. Keep a journal and ask yourself at the end of the day what you learned. What would you do differently? What will you start doing? What will you stop doing? What will you do more of? What will you do less of? (You can use these questions for employee reviews, too.) Awareness truly is the key to change.
10. Identify Your Constraints – this is probably the biggest AHA I had in the last few years. My business coach, Rich Schefren, talks about this. If you take some time to really focus and think about your life and your business, what is it that is really stopping you from achieving everything you want in life? Is it internal? Is it external? Is there another way to look at it? What caused the constraint or bottleneck? Why? Why else? What could you do to remove it? If you were to remove it, what would happen in your life and your business? How would things be different? Why would that be important? Who can help you get there? Just remember to look at this question as if there were no time, money or resource constraints. Once you get clarity on the constraint, then ask these questions, “How can I remove this constraint?” and “How can I get the resources?” There isn’t just one constraint…there are many, but focus on the biggest one first, and then the next and the next. Just think about a river with a beaver dam, if you remove the logs, the water flows freely. If you do this one exercise, you will be amazed at what happens in your life.
Be sure to let me know how this helps you at
I’ve been amazed in my own life and business at how much I’ve accomplished since improving my knowledge and skills through classes, coaching and masterminds. Invest in yourself and no one can take that away from you. My personal goals are growing every day, and the more I learn the more I want to learn. Surround yourself with people who know more than you do, and who are more successful. Your success is directly linked to the people with whom you surround yourself.
Here’s one final thought and that is about leverage. You have a choice, and that is to invest in the best you can afford in terms of services, products, education or tools. You can’t afford not to do this. You only cry once when you pay for quality. Are you worth it?
If you’d like to learn more how to get more clients, work less and enjoy your interior design business more, be sure to request Design Success University’s Interior Design Fee & Salary Survey eBook – $49 Value with our compliments. We’ll also add you to our complimentary weekly newsletter, IDEAS that is full of educational and inspirational articles plus a calendar of upcoming events.
One of the common themes I hear from interior designers is their feeling of being overwhelmed and “busy” especially when business is really good which we all hope it will be in the near future. This is the perfect time to really think about your business and plan for a more successful future.
The important question to ask yourself is, “Am I Busy or Am I Productive?” We’ve been talking about this in our Business Mastery Membership Monthly Mentor sessions, but I want to extract some key ideas for you to consider.
1. Laser Clarity – this is really the key to time control because you’re really not controlling time, you’re controlling yourself. If you aren’t clear about why you’re doing something and how it will get you to your goals, you’re wasting time. Once you’re clear, the path is direct and inevitable. It absolutely must be tied into your emotions, values and reason why or you’ll find yourself sabotaging your results. Your goals must be specific, measurable and written with a date for completing. The quality of your life depends on the quality of your questions. (paraphrased and author unknown) Here are some questions to ask yourself:
2. Fanatical Planning, Laser Focus & Lockdown (Debbie Green’s great word!)
3. Creative Chunks – do similar things at the same time. If you are writing blog posts, do those all at one time on a specific day and time and do a month’s worth. Every time you shift from one task to another, you lose as much as 20 minutes just getting into the rhythm of the project. That’s why it is so important to have laser focus. Use a kitchen timer to keep you on schedule. Take complete mental breaks (maximum of 90 minutes on one project before a break) and do something to rest your mind like taking a walk, etc.
4. Systematize & Streamline – parts of this business are fairly routine. Document the routines completely so you can delegate or outsource them. Your time as the owner of the business should be spent on the five drivers for your business – sales & marketing, project planning & oversight, client relationships, systemization and joint ventures. If you were to focus your time on these five drivers alone, you would achieve more in less time and make more money…what could you do with the extra time and money? Use that to power through the documentation and systemization process so you can assign the work that doesn’t require your creativitity and skill sets.
5.Improve Your Strengths & Outsource or Delegate Your Weaknesses – I just learned this a few years ago, and it was really eye-opening to me. Keep this in mind if you have kids, too. If you have particular strengths, focus on improving those if they are the key drivers of your business. Find a coach, or find the best person you can to be a mentor to you to teach you the best practices. It will save you incredible amounts of time, money and wasted effort. This is also known as modeling. Everything that is not a strength, don’t do and don’t try to improve. It is extremely freeing to give up trying to improve things that aren’t playing to your strengths.
Watch for Part II soon…
If you’d like to learn more how to get more clients, work less and enjoy your interior design business more, be sure to request Design Success University’s Interior Design Fee & Salary Survey eBook – $49 Value with our compliments. We’ll also add you to our complimentary weekly newsletter, IDEAS that is full of educational and inspirational articles plus a calendar of upcoming events.