
Need Legal Help? Try LegalZoom

Do you need a Will, Power of Attorney, register a Trademark, create Partnership Agreements, form an LLC or anything that has to do with a legal service or document? LegalZoom can be an easy and inexpensive solution for most of your legal needs.

Example of LegalZoom’s Deluxe Incorporation Kit

I have personally used LegalZoom a couple of times and my experience with their company totally exceeded my expectations. After doing some research on their website, I did expect the registering process to incorporate to be fast and easy. I also expected to receive the proper paperwork when the process was finalized, but didn’t consider how it would feel to receive a 2″ leather binder embossed with my new company name. When the package arrived, I was so surprised how great the presentation for my new corporation looked. I highly recommend LegalZoom for your personal or business legal needs.

Example of LegalZoom’s Last Will Package

Next on my personal list is to update mine and Jerry’s Wills. Sad to say it has been 20 years since we have had our Wills updated. Marj, my sister is listed as the legal guardian for my boys, Owen and Lee, who are now in their thirties. She is also executor over our estate. Wow, how time flies. I think it is time for me to revisit our Wills don’t you?
About the Author
I'm a super energetic person that has lots of new ideas always floating around in my head. I own two businesses, Dandelion Interiors and Minutes Matter and enjoy both of them. One business satisfies my need to use my creative design talent and the other satisfies my need to help others to develop their technology skills. I absolutely love my church, my family, my two granddaughters, technology and cooking.

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